Elevate Your Brand
Elevate Your Brand is the #1 marketing podcast for entrepreneurs and “wantreprenuers” looking for insider tips and secrets from the most exciting new and growing brands in Los Angeles and the US at large.
Each week, entrepreneurial special guests join Laurel Mintz, founder and CEO of award-winning marketing agency Elevate My Brand, to discuss the marketing failures and successes that have brought their brands to the next level. Learn from real-life experiences and be inspired by leaders in your industry about how smart digital and experiential marketing can elevate your brand.
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Elevate Your Brand
Writing Your Way to Success ft. Evan Waite | EYB
Evan Waite is currently a co-executive producer on Fox’s Family Guy, and wrote on the Emmy-winning Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, NBC’s Sunnyside, Inside Job, The President Show, Our Cartoon President, Fairfax, and Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History. He won a Writer’s Guild Award for his work on Adult Swim’s Three Busy Debras, and also contributes to The Onion, The New Yorker and McSweeney’s. His first humor book, "Life Wants You Dead: A Calm, Rational, and Totally Legit Guide to Scaring Yourself Safe" is available wherever books are sold.
Elevate Your Brand is the #1 marketing podcast for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” looking for insider tips and secrets from the most exciting new and growing brands in Los Angeles and the US at large.
Each week, entrepreneurial special guests join Laurel Mintz, founder and CEO of award-winning marketing agency Elevate My Brand, to discuss the marketing failures and successes that have brought their brands to the next level. Learn from real-life experiences and be inspired by leaders in your industry about how smart digital and experiential marketing can elevate your brand.
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Everyone welcome back to another episode of elevate your brand I of course and your host Laurel mintz and I'm joined today by my friend Evan waite who is the author of life wants you dead a calm rational and totally legit guide to scaring yourself safe. Evan thank you for joining us today I love this book. It is fucking hilarious and that is um, no surprise since you are day job is that you're a writer for a family guy so share with us a little bit about.
So yeah, thank you so much for having me I appreciate it.
You're writing comedy chops history and why you decided to author this book. So.
Sure sure. Ah, so I guess I would start with my first comedy gig was at the onion which is like the satire comedy site and from there I started doing more prose humor stuff. But then eventually I made my way over to Tv and I worked on shows like I'm breakable kimy schmidt. And the show called sunny side which was on Nbc Cal pen project. But then I ended up on family guys. So I've been there for 4 seasons now and it's pretty much my dream job I'm having a really great time doing it.
I Mean that show is epic. It's part of you know my childhood my youth I should say not childhood really because kids should not watch that show for sure. Ah, ah, do they? Oh well, That's what that's what the Therapy bill is for I suppose. Um.
Yeah, no, no, no, they do though They absolutely do yeah.
And um, and then what did you decide and what brought you to deciding to write this particular book and what is the book all about and.
Well, Ah, the book is a survival guide parody that believes that the best way to stay safe is by being literally afraid of every single thing at all times and so this book gives comedy advice about how to help you achieve that terrified state And. Um, it's no surprise that the pandemic was involved in the conception of this idea. Um, it was really yeah I know it was really a thing where everybody's relationship to fear was changing very very quickly like in the span of a month or 2 everybody was completely off And I know that I was too because before that I always felt that I was pretty level headed and I wasn't like that. But then once the pandemic hit I realized that I absolutely was like that and so it felt like a comedy book that was addressing these kind of emotional changes. Everybody was having seemed like it would be kind of a fun. Place to start with.
I Don't know you've got to be a little fucked up to be a writer on family guy that the comedy ah that you write on that show is a little thick and twisted and the comedy in this book is Very sick and twisted in the best way possible which is also why we're friends I find you to be absolutely hilarious and this book is no exception. Um, so I would imagine that this was all clearly ruminating in your mind and then that you just And had you just needed an outlet for it during the pandemic. So did this just kind of like all come out in 1 sitting like how long did it take you to actually execute this like what was the journey like.
Ah, well it did I have to say it came out very quickly and smoothly it was like I think these were all things that were on my mind and on a lot of people's minds and so once I sort of came up with the concept of having a you know narrator who was completely unhinged and didn't know what was going on. It It does.
Um, onion is a great as a great word to describe this book I mean you literally can flip to any page and you're like what the fuck unhinged.
Yeah, yeah, it really felt like once you have a narrator like that you can take it anywhere you want and it doesn't even have to be sort of consistent or anything. It can just go where the funniest thing is and so to me that gave a lot of freedom to kind of write whatever I wanted. And so yeah, it was It was really I had a blast writing it. It was really fun and you know when you find yourself as a writer when you're sitting at your keyboard and you're actually laughing as you're writing like that is always a great great barometer that something good is going on. So.
And I mean I would hope so and hope you have a fun time writing this book. Otherwise there's something definitely wrong with you because the book is hilarious and as I was reading it I was like chuckling and Mike was like what are you Doing I like I'm writing and reading Evan's book and he was like oh geez. Okay I got to read this it. Every page is more unhinged than the last ah you literally he flip to any page. Let's do that. Let's just randomly flip to a page and see what it brings us. Do you have the book in front of you.
I do I do.
Okay, flip to a page. Let's let's play a game you flip to a page and read it and tell us what what like to open open to a page and tell us what it says.
So all right? So this page says making your body taste bad to cannibals which is which is well theory is that Obviously there's.
And tell us what was the the theory behind this page. Yeah.
Roving bands of cannibals are everywhere and that's one of the highest threats that's going on in this country right now and one of the problems is that humans taste too good. So if you're able to actually create a recipe that can make you taste worse therefore you would be less appealing to cannibals that.
Yeah, sure.
Otherwise would want to just tear you apart makes sense right.
Ah, okay, and so the the theory behind the authoring of this particular page was that during the pandemic you were afraid that you would be cannibalized and so you wanted to author a page that would provide a recipe or a thought process behind. Making you taste bad as a human so that you wouldn't be eaten by cannibals.
Right? I mean if you taste bad and you look unappealing then they'll just go eat somebody else that is actually tastier.
Totally I totally understand that and I will tell you ah Mike and I have this conversation I wouldn't say often. We've had this conversation a few times that if the end of the world came and we were out of food. He is like all about. Understanding what human tasted like and I was like you're a psycho. So next time at brunch you can have that conversation with him all right? My turn I'm going to flip to a page.
Ah, yeah, okay, hopefully he waits Hopefully he waits a little bit before doing. It's not like an hour in to the process. He's already ready to do it.
Ah, okay I turn to? Okay, oh this is a really good page for me being nice to your smart thermostat. So it doesn't burn you alive smart thermostats have become integral to managing the climate of modern homes this app-enabled device adjusts your home's temperature so you want to get on its good side. It could roast you alive. So be nice and then there's more of course below it I will tell you that this is a hilarious page because our entire house is a smart home because Mike is an engineer and no part of it listens to me I think it's because gendered but um, yes, she hates me so I love this page because she doesn't fucking listen to me. This is really hilarious I mean an each page is just fucking unhinged I Love it I love it. But I'll tell you what my favorite part is is the map in the back the subconscious way system taking you where you don't want to go. So will you tell us about this subconscious way system.
Ah, so if you were able to deepen it. You were able to. Ah, sure So the conceit of this is that um you know as humans when you become afraid your mind just kind of races all over the place and jumps from you know, thought to thought and I'm making all these outlandish Connections. So So what we did was created this Subway map that plots out the different emotional stops that. Would go along the way inside your head like all the different emotional lines that you might encounter like fear Anger want shame sex things like that and so like a so.
Dumb shit irrelevant. It literally looks like a map of New York the subway systems of New York it's in this little like folder in the on the back um book out of the but back page of the book and you take it out. You unfold it. And there's like a little inner child in the very center and then the subway systems. It's fucking who I mean I just love it so much when we were sitting at dinner and you gave me the first version of this book. I mean this was like about two months ago before it was even out which I was so honored for Thank you again.
I was like crying laughing I might have been because we'd had a couple of martinis at the time but I was dying I was dying at the.
And well on this one I definitely have to give a shout out to Paula Searing who was the illustrator who did all the graphics for the book. She's just like a brilliant genius and I was it was the best decision I ever made was. Was getting a Bob with her to to work on this together because it just made all the difference and it made it so much more fun for me because every week we'd just be meeting and she'd show me these liggers pictures and we just talk about it and it's just like I had like a partner to do this with so it wasn't just myself.
What were the subconscious way systems that didn't make the list can you tell us about any of those.
Well, there was one where I was angry with on the anger line which was about how um too many pop stars. Don't talk about Dental dams enough in their songs and that that's socially irresponsible to to not. And and you know shoehorn those references into their into their R and B Jams You don't hear a lot of songs like that you know it's wrong and.
Okay, I'm here for it. Yeah, it's true. Um I can see when I didn't make the list. It's not as funny as so those other ones. Um I Also love that there's like a whole stoned thought category. That's really funny. Um I mean just brilliant Brilliant Brilliant brilliant You like you cannot.
Like understand the depth of brilliance until you're actually looking at this and um I'm not going to lie kind of want a bong rip to like look at this in depth. There's there's something to be said to looking at this sober and there's something else to be said to looking at this totally stoned out of your mind. Ah, we're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back here.
And thanks for sticking with us and if you are just joining us I'm chatting with my friend Evan Waite who is the author of life wants you dead a calm rational and totally legit guide to scaring yourself safe. So this just came out April sixteenth it is hot off the press as as they said is a hot. The press are hot off the presses I never knew the difference. You know it presses multiple presses. Hopefully hopefully they did a big big enough run for you. Otherwise it'd be 1 press and you'd be poor right um.
I Think it's off the presses I think so yeah, yes, that's good.
Ah, do you have a favorite page of the book is that like asking someone to favorite a favorite child. Yeah.
Ah, let me see I'm gonna look here and see if I do a fair page. Um, there is one that I like a lot about how um serial mascots are jumping off of the off of the serial boxes to kill people and you know you need to be. Careful when you're eating breakfast because that's ah, that's a common thing that happens.
Well I'll let you find that now as you're finding that I flip to another random page and it's just like random cutouts of um, shooting targets and it's a pissed off cow ghost hovering over your hamburger and there's a second gun in your other hand like what the fuck even is this Evan this.
I will tell you like 1 of the strategies that I did when I was writing the book was that I would um, try to write start writing very like right after I wake up which would be you know like I would try to like be in my chair writing like.
So unhinged.
Within 10 minutes of waking up so puts you in a very weird headspace when you're like sitting there and you're half awake and all these kind of really dumb ideas come to you and then later when you're like actually awake you can sort of sift through the nonsense and see if there's anything there so that helps.
Yeah, it's so it's so oddly deliciously bizarre like the emergency phone numbers in the inside cover. What? what? but are too cold to spread called 2 4 2 slap self in face to kill mosquito called 3 2 4 needy waiter keeps asking how the food is call 5 6 3 the funny part is that it's all so relatable like that's the thing like usually you'll read something like this and you're like this is just fucking stupid. But it's actually so relatable that it's not stupid. It's like stupidly brilliant. If that makes sense. There's like there's got it. There's another word for it that I that is it is eluding me right now. But it's just it's it's so dumb it's smart I don't know it like it like moved its way all around the dumb meter that it's brilliant again if that makes any sense. Yeah, anyways.
And yeah yeah I mean to me like the funniest the funniest comedy is like the intersection of like smart and stupid when you those 2 things hit each other like that point is sort of what I was trying to aim at because yeah.
Totally. Totally and I grew up in the era I mean my parent my dad used to have me watch a lot of slaps sit loyal and Hardy obviously because of my name 3 stooges. So Mike always thinks that I'm like severely damaged because I love when people hurt themselves like falling down. You know kids especially like I love when kids hurt themselves. It's like my favorite like layer of comedy and he's like you are seriously disturbed but it's because it's what I grew up on so this is like my absolute favorite layer of comedy. Um, which is also why I love family guys like so brilliantly dumb.
Yeah, oh I know it's very childish like yeah.
Um, and that's exactly what you are brilliantly done. It's It's fantastic, totally. But it's deliciously. It's deliciously so um, okay, did you find the page that you're looking for Okay, give it to us.
I did I did find it this all right? So this is called protect your pantry ways to subdue cereial mascots when they jump off the box. Um, that feeling of being watched as you mun rest crispies is not your imagination. The cartoon mascots on the box played to hurt you as part of a complete breakfast beatdown. So two on these self-defed tips or you may not make it to lunch all right? So I'll read like 1 or 2 of these. Um, first one tell Dracula that ca Chocula has been ripping him off Dracula would be Dracula would be livid to know some hacks stole his vampire shtick and just switch blood with chocolate.
Hates unoriginalset that guy is a hack by the way completely derivative. Um, just last month he was arrested on sesame street for clobbering countvin cat with a big red 3 now he has to wear an ankle bracelet and attend weekly stoop chats with big bird about kindness.
Oh my god I love it. I love it so much. Oh my god and ah you know I'm such a fan of yours I mean every single page of the book is like this folks so make sure you go out and check the book out. It's wherever you can buy books. Ah, most of us are obviously getting it on Amazon I think booksoup. There's a couple other places. Evan I think your publicist told us world else. We could get it you you have those that list in front of you by chance? Yep yeah.
Ah, well I mean Barnes and noble amazon any local bookstore if you if they don't have you can call and and order it. You know it's it's definitely around so any place where you would normally get books. You'll you probably find it. Yes.
Yeah, make sure you support your your local bookstores folks. Um life wants you that a calm rational and totally legit guide to scaring yourself safe.
Did it make you did writing the book and the process of writing the book make you feel better during the pandemic was it a cathartic exercise or did it just freak you out more because it's all about fear.
Ah, no, it definitely did feel cathartic to me because it was one of these things like sometimes when you can sort of you know, speak your fears then they don't they just sound kind of silly like obviously there were serious things going on then but also there was a lot of like. People going way too far into things that just became silly and when you're sort of writing it down it. It kind of flushes it out of your body a little bit so it was actually yeah and also it just you know puts it in a lighthearted context which is fun I.
I I exposure therapy.
I mean some of it's not that lighthearted. But I get I get what you're saying like the the thing that I did get scared from some of the things like every 3 minutes a human head is severed and used as used as a volleyball.
So that's her question.
I don't think that's not really true, right? These are like not truisms. They're meant to be funny but they still scared me a little bit because I'm a big pussy right? Every 4 minutes that head is thrown away because it's too hard to serve every 5 minutes that head is retrieved after realizing the sporting goods store is closed. So it's either the head or nothing I was like. Oh like? ah but but I'm not girl like I might have to cover my eyes when I watch a scary commercial like I can't even handle that So some of the stuff I was like oh even though I knew in my heart. It wasn't true. It's just still like icky. But.
Okay, yeah I mean this I know that there there is I will consider. There's definitely some vivid imagery in the book for sure. Um I don't know I think very visually and I think that's why I work on a cartoon because it just can. You know you're sort of trying to paint a picture and some of the pictures are just gross. Some are just silly. It's I try to hit like every emotion possible I was trying to put like every different kind of thing into you.
Um, I I mean not only did you hit every emotion but you actually like hit every like approach to like there were checklists. There were like blood and stool sample taking like I mean I All I'll ingest folks like don't take it too seriously. There were quizzes. There were like all different kinds of approaches. So You really did just play to every emotion every way that someone could consume content every visual approach. It was so very interesting. There were like ah mazes and I mean. The way that your brain works is a little terrifying I'm not going to lie but you know this already.
Well thing is like ah oh yes, I mean that's that's not question. But I mean I've I've worked on a lot of different kinds of comedy I mean like you know as I mentioned I did the onion and then I did like mad magazine and new yorker and like. All these different Tv shows and stuff so like every one of those places I sort of pick up different sort of comedy conceits that I um can use and so I was like trying to pour everything into this book I was like I don't know if they'll ever let me make another book. So I want to like put every conceivable kind of comedy that I could into it so and and they were really. Open to it they they were like whatever you want to do like just if you can pitch it and if it's funny enough then it's it. So and then I got hooked up with this graphic artist who could do any kind of illustration. There was never something I could see that she couldn't like handle so it was like it was just a comedy like playground for me I really. Had a great time doing it. So.
Yeah, you can really get a sense of that in the book like you just really enjoyed the process and there were no guardrails which is unusual like usually there's like a through like ah like a theme or throughline or guardrails or something that um you know.
Yeah, yeah.
That that keeps ah keeps you on the tracks. But this is just completely derailed um and deranged again in the best way possible and it's just it's just ah, it's brilliant. It's brilliant like you are and unassuming just like you are as well. It is really you in a in book form Evan and um was so honored to get 1 of the first copies. And to be 1 of the first um people to talk about the book with you on on a podcast. So thank you so much for joining us. We're going to take another quick break. We'll be right back.
Thanks for sticking with those chatting with my friend Evan wait he is the author of life once you dead a calm rational and totally legit guide to scaring yourself safe before the break you were saying you weren't sure if there's going to be a sequel so you think you gave it your all in this one. There's not going to be another one.
Well I am I am sort of working on something right now I wouldn't say it's a direct sequel but you know it's in the same world of these kinds of things I would say so I'm still trying to figure out what it is but but I am chipping away at the book proposal right now. So. See how it turns out. It's been fun. So far. Yeah.
Um, kind of yeah I mean you're really good at it. Obviously this is this is your calling for sure but it wasn't always chuck take us back in time before you were a writer you had another calling share with our audience your history before your a writer.
I did yeah before I was ever a writer I was a teacher I used to be an Esl teacher like in elementary schools and so yeah, it was just that's what that's the complete track that I was on and I I had worked in New Jersey for a couple of years and then I took a big swerve and went overseas so I was working in China for about 5 years as a yeah esl teacher in international schools. And yeah I was doing that and that's.
And and how did you make that How did you? How did that pass like emerge like that's such a big different leap.
Yeah, the path to China was ah because my mother is also an esl teacher. She's retired now but she knew a lot of friends who had kind of been in this international teaching circuit. So it's like these different schools in different countries are kind of connected. So you can work in 1 country and then you work there for a couple of years and work in a different country and in order to get jobs like this There's a job fairs that you can go to and so I went to a job fair in Boston and it's kind of a crazy environment because it's only a weekend and. You interview with a bunch of schools and all these different countries really quickly and then if they offer you a job you kind of have to tell them by like the next day whether you're going to take it or not so you know it'll be like you know you're going you interview with a school in China and they're like all right here's a to your contract. Do you want to tell us in 24 hours so
And it's like these are big decisions that you're having to make really quickly. So.
Unbelievable. So What are some of the like life lessons that you have learned good bad bad and ugly about being a writer in Hollywood like I think everyone feels like your job is kind of a dream job the show that you're on is kind of the dream show I'm sure a lot of our audience is listening in. Because they want to know like what is that life like.
Yeah I mean it's ah I mean obviously I am on a show that is like the show of my dreams right now. But before that I was on several shows that just got canceled. You know you get 1 season and then it's just gone just disappears under your feet. So I think the thing you really have to focus on is. 2 things really, it's relationships and talent. So your relationships are you really need to get to know people and be friendly and help your friends and you just want to build a web of Goodwill around you because every time a show gets canceled all those writers disperse and they go into different shows.
And if they like you then all of a sudden you know your name gets passed around and that's how you get your next job and that's exactly how I got on family guys because I was on a show that was canceled with a friend of mine and then she ended up on family guy because she met one of the showrunners at a party and then the next time they were looking for people. She put my name in the mix and So one day I just get an email from them asking if I want to meet the showrunners of family guy. So that's that's kind of the way those things happen. So.
And did you lose your shit when that happened were you like oh my God This is the dream or were you like you're a pretty calm dude in general like when I met you and you were like I'm on family guy remember I was like oh my God and you were like okay Psycho calm down like we can hang out and chat but like you need to relax. You weren't actually nasty at all about it. You were very kind but I was like oh my god yeah, that's so cool and you're like all right? whatever were you the same Evan like cool like were you super chill and like nonplussed about it or were you like oh my god this is my dream job. Did you freak out or were you calm.
Ah I was pretty excited I have to say I was when I freak out I usually freak out like internally more so than just like screaming and and running around but I was like this would be amazing. This would be a great situation if it happened because. Felt like it was a great fit for me because I just like writing jokes so much and that's the show that has the widest range of jokes you could ever write and it's just like a lot of people watch it and it's really funny and has the best voice cast around so I was thrilled about it and um, but you know I just wanted to keep my head clear so that I could do the interview well and. Just like get the job because just because they reach out doesn't mean that you have the job just means that they're considering you you know? Yeah but it all happened very quickly though I mean it was like in the span of like a week basically I sent them some stuff.
You have an opportunity. Yeah yeah, well.
And we had an interview like two days later and then they offered me the job the next day so it was within a span of a week like my entire life changed.
Unbelievable, well congrats on all of the success and on the book super exciting in the last few minutes we have left I like to do what we call our quick fire. So this is whatever comes up top of mind you ready all right first question is. What was your favorite subject in school.
I Liked social studies.
Okay, what was the last concert you went to.
Ah, boy it's been a long time I went to Wrestlemania last year which had a lot of music at it. That's probably a cop out answer. But.
Ah, no is what it is Um, what is your biggest pet peeve.
Ah I don't like what people are lazy and they don't do that like when you've committed to doing something and then just as they don't deliver it. That's a problem ah weep on the floor.
And. Yeah, how do you deal with stress.
Just weep on my look. That's what happened when I was writing this book sometimes and Id hit a wall I was like motherfucker.
I I don't know if i' ever heard you curse I'm so funny. Youre such like a calm buttoned up dude. Ah, and I'm going to I'm going to not toddle tailil on you. That's not the right word but um, for those of you listening. First time I ever invited Evan over to my house for brunch on Sunday he showed up basically in a full suit and it is such a casual brunch and I was like you're never allowed to come to my house in a suit ever again. Facts are not facts Evan in a tie I was like do you need to take that off right now.
And is it is facts. It's max I'm I'm a pretty square guy I mean I don't know my writing is is pretty on Hiss but I'm square dude.
You are very square. Yeah, so you just cursed and I was like oh my Um, last question is what it I Am sure.
So hear the things that are said in the family guy room is ridiculous though.
I Am sure Um, what was the last thing that made you cry.
Um, ah I watched that movie the holdovers actually that that really got me. Yeah.
Oh yeah, oh's a good one. That's a good one. Ah the last question is what is your favorite word and why this could be something that's had role meaning to over time or something that just pops into your head for the purpose of this conversation.
Um I like doofus. Ah, it means kind of just like a a well-meaning Idiot I think I like it because like.
And what does that mean to you.
And but why do you like it.
Like the energy of it because it's not like it's mean, but it's like kind of not hurtful I guess so you call somebody that it's like ah you know you're still kind of shitting on them. But you're also like not being a mean-spirited guy.
I like it. It's very ovenward um all right? Evan well as we wrap up today. Any final words of wisdom for anyone who's a writer anyone looking to get into comedy wrap us up take us home today.
Well I would say like I don't know my experiences through you know so making us work from being a teacher to getting into writing has really shown me that anything really is possible I mean I was as far away as you could possibly be from that industry I was a teacher who knew nobody in comedy and I was in China so. You know if you're smart and you work really hard and you're friendly and you make good moves then you can accomplish much more than you ever thought like I never thought any of this stuff was gonna happen I was hoping but it really has given me the faith and the possibilities if you really if you really do it right? yeah.
And that's so fantastic. Well make sure you check out and support Evan he is really such a good dude I'm so glad that you're in my life Evan and you remember our next brunch is in a few weeks so I'll see you here. And go check out life wants you dead a calm rational and totally legit guide to scaring yourself safe. Go check them out where all books are sold. Evan thank you for joining us today on the podcast and thanks to everyone who tuned in stay tuned for more from elevate your brand. Coming up next.
So yeah, thank you for having me I Really appreciate it.